Ben Lambers (Haarlem 1969) works as an art director, graphic designer and photographer for Studio Aandacht. After the graphic school in Haarlem he took on various jobs in the graphic industry. He worked with led type in his fathers printshop when he was a boy, did a bit of silk screen and offset printing, lithography and worked as a lay-out man in the pre-computer age. It was when he took an evening course in art direction at the HKU when things really started to change. In the 1990s he worked as a (freelance) art director for various advertising agencies such as Publicis, Ogilvy and Etcetera. There he experienced what it is like to work with copywriters, strategists, account people and product managers. At the beginning of 2000 he started Studio Aandacht, together with his wife, styling and artdirector Tatjana Quax. Since then, Ben has several books, campaigns, identities, photo shoots and other projects to his name. He has been a guest lecturer at various art academies and has welcomed art classes from Seoul to Copenhagen to the studio.